Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mom and Pop in SD

     As anybody who knows me knows that I will always go to a local spot, I avoid  chain restaurant like the plague.  Sometimes when I am on the road I just don't have an option, usually that just means that I have to drive outside of the town.  After completing my job at the Ellsworth AFB Medical Clinic, I had quite an experience while in Rapid City SD.  As I travel a lot there are always places I can't wait to visit, and 9 times out of 10 I am disappointed in the Monument or park that I have been hearing about my whole life.  I can tell you that Mt Rushmore lives up to the billing, WOW what a unbelievable tribute to some great men and to our Country.  Seeing as how this Blog is not about National Parks I will get to the FOOD part of my experience.  I always talk to the locals about where to go, so this young man and older women almost simultaneously say "It is a little out of your way, however go to Hill City and eat at the Alpine Inn".  Again anybody that knows me knows that two locals say it.... I'm game.  So after leaving Mt Rushmore I do go to Hill City and almost dead center of this quaint little mountain town is this old very Alpine looking inn.  It is about noon so I enter expecting a sort of hum drum lunch menu hoping I was wrong.  I was wrong, the very sweet old German lady is hostessing and leads me into a beautiful front room.  Noticing the attire of the waitresses, and the decor, I know that I am having a German Lunch.  I look at the menu and sure enough wienershnitzel is the first item, the next is Kaes Spaetzel, I am very excited because I have never actually had a homemade Spaetzel.  I also am very tempted by there incredible looking European grilled sandwiches that I see going past me from Monte Cristos to Reubens and Rachels with a wonderful looking potato salad.  Decision time comes and I have to go with the Spaetzel which comes with a homemade fresh Bratwurst, and of course no Lunch like that is complete with a German Erdinger Beer and I go for a nice Hefferveisen.  The nice waitress also brought me a taste of there liverwurst which was smooth with lots of flavor  In an attempt not to over use superlatives this was a fabulous lunch.  I was to full for dessert so I got a apple and cheese strudel to go, which made for a great pre-flight breakfast on Friday morning.  I did not go back that night for there dinner but they are well known for there 6 or 9oz filet with a Wedge and baked potato for $8.95(6)or 10.95(9).  I highly suggest if your ever able to go see the Mt Rushmore please take a moment and head a little out of your way to Hill City and go to Alpine Inn.

   On to Dinner back at Rapid City, after a small nap.

     After a day like that I am usually ready for bed and don't try to find a local restaurant that looks decent.  So I didn't, but I lucked out there was a  diner looking place next to my Hotel called Colonial House Restaurant and Bar.  It was definitely a Mom and Pop but I was just expecting a nice light dinner after such a heavy cheese and meat laden lunch.  Well I walked into the wrong place for that, Prime Rib, New York Steak, Ribeye steak, T-Bones and Ribs.  All fresh homemade bread and desserts made by there in-house baker/pastry chef.  I am somehow able to stay away from all those cuts of beef and spot one of my favorite cuts.  It is not as well known but a great cut that has all the flavor and none of the costs, the juicy and flavorful "Flat Iron".  After a minor mis-understanding about Rare or Medium Rare I got a perfectly cooked Medium Rare beautiful piece of meat.  You know the chef or owners give a damn when next to my great steak is a whole bulb of baked and grilled Garlic, which was smoothed on top of a great...again...homemade sourdough bread.  Good bartender extremely friendly staff obviously lead by a wonderful Chef and General manager Kevin Beshara.  I wish I could have stayed for there Friday night flambe dessert master, but I will be back this time with my Beautiful wife.  What a great find in Rapid City SD.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Denver is great for food

From Frank Bonanno to Jennifer Jasinski, are taste buds are very lucky to be in the Denver area right now.  I am just a regular guy, however I have been to almost all of the states in our beloved country.  I have also been to over 30 countries and was raised to try everything.  As a result I believe I have a fairly desernable pallet at least enough to speak for the Regular people.  So I will let whom ever cares to know where me and my beautiful wife have ate and what we thought about it.